Faith Cafe In Tampa, Florida.


What Is Faith Cafe?

Faith Cafe is a restaurant-style food kitchen where guests are served a warm meal with a friendly smile.


When is Faith Cafe open?

Faith Cafe is open for meals at 11:30 am Monday through Saturday. We also offer a Sunday dinner beginning at 5:00 pm. Volunteers can arrive any time after 10:30 am to help prepare lunch and 4:00 pm for Sunday dinner.


Where Is Faith Cafe located?

Faith Cafe is located at 1340 North Clearview Avenue, just West of Himes and South of I-275.


How many meals does the Faith Cafe serve?

We serve approximately 80 meals daily.

In 2001, local churches decided to join together to feed those in our community that were struggling. Jim Mikes offered the use of what was the Fellowship Hall of the Church located on 3702 W. Kennedy Blvd. Since then, Faith Café has grown to include the support of six local churches, known as South Tampa Ecumenical Ministries.

There is a need in our community. Our neighbors are hungry and we at Faith Café believe we are called to feed the hungry, just as Jesus did. We are blessed to be able to offer our neighbors clothing and references to other organizations, as well.

Our primary goal is to feed the hungry. Not all of our neighbors that are hungry are homeless. Some have homes but can’t afford to buy food. We serve the hungry food and drinks and give them the respect and dignity they deserve.

Our only requirement is that guests sign in upon entering the cafe.


Where does the food come from?

Metropolitan ministries donates most of the food we serve. However, there are times when this donated food is not enough to feed all of our guests. At these times, we depend on other donated food such as canned goods, sandwiches and loaves of bread to feed our guests.


How can my church or organization get involved?

We eagerly welcome the opportunity for your church or organization to support Faith Café. Please contact the president of the board of directors, at president@faithcafe.com for more information regarding how you can help.


Where can I make a personal monetary donation

Please mail your check to:
South Tampa Ecumenical Ministries/ Faith Cafe
ATTN: Greg Jones
1340 North Clearview Avenue
Tampa, FL 33607


What are the requirements for volunteers?

We accept any and all the help we can get. There is a daily coordinator that leads and coordinates the daily meal service. Volunteers get brief training with the daily coordinator and are able to start serving the same day. Volunteers are required to treat the guests of Faith Café with dignity and respect. It’s as easy as that!


S.T.E.M./Faith Cafe, 1340 North Clearview Avenue, Tampa, FL 33607


(813) 877-6889

Donations/ Executive/ Administrative


Volunteer Coordinator
